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Dear you fancy coffee drinkers, I just want to get my drip and go

It was a Saturday morning and I decided to make a trip to my local Starbucks. I had a deadline to meet and I thought it would be a nice change in environment instead of staying cooped up in my apartment. I walked down the crowded street, dodging excited Chicago Cubs fans, and ducked into the ubiquitous coffee shop. Before I got in line, I surveyed the room for an open seat and open plug. I dropped my things and proceeded to stand in line.

As I waited in line, tapping my foot and listening to the latest episode of The Read podcast, I noticed the extravagant things that everyone in front of me where ordering. Can I get a skinny caramel macchiato, no foam? Can get a grande Vanilla latte, all foam, extra hot? Can I get a all-flavored latte, extra foam, all the trimmings, with a side of whipped cream, but make it fat free? I sighed to myself and rolled my eyes, looking at my watchless wrist. As I power through the last paragraph of this piece, I just need coffee, not a drink that is 95% everything BUT coffee.

I think there should be a line for us customers that simply want a regular coffee. Pure. Black. Coffee. That’s it. Just put a coffee canister on the side of the counter and let us fill up. Think about it...it would free up the baristas who need to make the lattes, macchiatos, and whatever else is on that ever-changing menu, and it would allow the line the move much quicker.

Honestly, this is a selfish want, but I know I’m not the only person who has walked into a coffee shop and wished they could be served first because all we want is...coffee.

Until next time…


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